Derisk staff have compiled a series of short technical notes covering a diverse range of topics relevant to the mineral industry. Please take a moment to browse through these notes and contact us if you would like more information.
Valuation risks of relying on Inferred Resources
Successful exploration programs reach a stage where there are substantial Inferred Mineral Resources.
Planning and organising effective site visits
Site visits to exploration prospects, mine development properties and operating mine sites can be a critical component of many project reviews, audits, technical studies, expert reports and operational support projects undertaken for a client.
How important is a pre-feasibility study?
The typical study sequence for mineral projects envisages three or four significant study levels as a project progresses from exploration to production:
Valuing operations with minimal Ore Reserves
Many mining projects, particularly narrow vein underground precious metals projects, have limited Ore Reserves defined at any time.
The future of site-based mining geologists
When will site-based mining geologists become redundant? And will the Coronavirus pandemic provide further incentive to fast-track a process that has already commenced?
Due diligence: How long is a piece of string?
Companies considering an option to purchase a mineral asset generally embark on some form of technical due diligence
The value and importance of geological database integrity
Exploration and mining companies have only one primary asset – what’s in the ground they own or have rights over. Consequently, the geological database is the cornerstone of a company’s most important asset.
Who reads your Ore Reserve statement and why?
Ore Reserve is a critically important term used throughout the minerals industry.
Mining: High risk or high reward?
Mining is often regarded as a “high risk” industry, also capable of delivering “high rewards” when times are good.
Public v private mining companies: Some pro’s and con’s from a technical perspective
Mining is a global business and operated by both publicly-listed and privately-owned companies. From a technical perspective, what are the key advantages and disadvantages of each option?
What is safety and how is it achieved?
Derisk principal mining consultant Mal Dorricott defines safety as an outcome that is achieved when an activity is completed or a process operates without harm to the assets involved in that activity or process.
Will innovation make existing drilling, geological logging and sampling methods redundant?
Derisk Director and Principal Geologist, Mark Berry, recently gave a thought-provoking presentation ‘Will innovation make existing drilling, geological logging and sampling methods redundant?’ to the Australian Drilling Industry Association (ADIA) 2017 annual conference.
Financial analysis: Closing the loop in valuing mining geology
Collier, P., Sommerville, B. and Berry, M., 2019. Financial analysis: Closing the loop in valuing mining geology, in Proceedings Mining Geology 2019, pp 237–252 (The AusIMM).
Geological uncertainty – a key challenge for effective life-of-mine planning (refereed technical paper)
Berry, M., 2018. Geological uncertainty – a key challenge for effective life-of-mine planning, in From Start to Finish: A Life-of-Mine Perspective, pp 27–32 (The AusIMM).
Australian drilling trends: Boom to bust and beyond (Conference presentation and lightly refereed extended abstract)
Berry, M., 2017. Australian drilling trends: Boom to bust and beyond, in Proceedings Drilling for Geology II Conference 2017, pp 3–8 (The AIG).
Benchmarking – does it have a role in improving the performance of mining geology? (Conference presentation and refereed technical paper)
Berry, M., 2014. Benchmarking – does it have a role in improving the performance of mining geology?, in Proceedings Ninth International Mining Geology Conference 2014, pp 361–366 (The AusIMM).
The importance of understanding uncertainty and risk associated with all geological inputs to ore reserves (refereed technical paper)
Berry, M., 2014. The importance of understanding uncertainty and risk associated with all geological inputs to ore reserves, in Monograph 30 – Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation – The AusIMM Guide to Good Practice – Second Edition, pp 585-592 (The AusIMM).