Who reads your Ore Reserve statement and why?

Who reads your ore reserve statement and why? Ore Reserve is a critically important term used throughout the minerals industry.  Defined in the JORC Code[1] as “the economically mineable part of a Measured and/or Indicated Mineral Resource”, it includes an estimate of...

Mining: High risk or high reward?

Mining: High risk or high reward? Mining is often regarded as a “high risk” industry, also capable of delivering “high rewards” when times are good. Derisk Geomining Consultants, as the name implies, is focused on providing services that minimise technical risk and...

What is safety and how is it achieved?

What is safety and how is it achieved? Derisk principal mining consultant Mal Dorricott defines safety as an outcome that is achieved when an activity is completed or a process operates without harm to the assets involved in that activity or process. In mining and...
Derisk and AIG deliver Round 6 of JORC Code workshops

Derisk and AIG deliver Round 6 of JORC Code workshops

Derisk and AIG recently completed Round 6 of its JORC Code workshops.  The first round of workshops were rolled out in May 2020 and have been followed by workshops in August 2020, November 2020, March 2021, July/August 2021, and most recently November 2021.  Four JORC...