Derisk Geomining Consultants is thrilled to announce that Director Mark Berry has been awarded the 2024 Gold Medal from the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) for his outstanding service. The medal is awarded to an individual in recognition of their significant contributions to both the AIG and the Australian geoscience community.

Mark’s first major contribution to AIG was to chair the Third International Mining Geology Conference held in Tasmania in 1997. After moving to Queensland in 1999, Mark has been actively involved with the QLD committee, including Chair for a seven-year period.  He has been on the organising committee of more than 20 AIG conferences, seminars, and workshops and has represented AIG at major events, including the International Geological Congress in 2012 held in Brisbane. As well as his Qld committee input, he is a member of the AIG RPGeo registration review committee and chairs the AIG professional development committee.

In announcing the award, AIG noted that “Mark is a passionate member of our community who cares deeply about the ongoing professionalism and support for geoscientists and delivering benefits to members. He is a driving force behind QLD Branch activities, involved with AIG’s RPGeo programme and the establishment of the Professional Development Committee.”