About Us
Derisk is an independent, privately-owned consulting company servicing the global minerals industry, established in 2017. Our directors, staff, and associates have a wealth of experience in exploration, mining, processing, environmental management, social and community interaction, and minerals industry governance.
Our business strategy is straightforward and effective – We deliver Tier One services without the Tier One price tag because:
- We listen to your plans and provide options that meet your needs, then deliver to our agreed scope, schedule, and budget.
- We ensure that our project team has comprehensive knowledge and the relevant expertise to deliver the appropriate advice and services for your scope of work.
- Our business model is based on a digital office-less structure, significantly reducing our business overheads. We pass these cost savings directly to our clients.

Mark Berry
Director – Principal Geologist
Mark is a geologist with over 40 years of experience spanning exploration, feasibility and development, mine operations, management, research and development, consulting, and professional development. His experience includes gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, pegmatite-hosted tantalum/lithium/tin/tungsten, phosphate, iron ore, coal, and industrial minerals. Mark is a Competent Person/Qualified Person for reporting of Exploration Results and Mineral Resources in selected commodities, as per a range of international reporting standards, and a Contributor to a team taking Competent Person/Qualified Person responsibility for reporting Ore Reserves in selected commodities. He is also a Practitioner/Specialist for preparing Technical Assessments and Valuations of selected mineral assets in accordance with the VALMIN Code.

Michele Pilkington
Director – Business Manager
Michele is an accomplished business manager with over 35 years’ experience in the services, contracting/consulting, and research and development sectors, comprising more than 25 years in the minerals industry. She has developed a strong skills base that enables her to develop and implement strategies for effective and efficient business systems and office management.

Mal Dorricott
Principal Mining Consultant
Mal is a mining engineer with over 45 years of experience in the minerals industry in mining operations, mining equipment sales and service, academia, consulting, and professional development. His experience includes gold, silver, coal, platinum, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, tin, tungsten, vein-hosted mineralisation, iron ore, uranium, and industrial minerals. Mal is a Competent Person/Qualified Person for reporting of Ore Reserves in selected commodities, as per a range of international reporting standards. He is also a Practitioner for preparing Technical Assessments and Valuations of selected mineral assets in accordance with the VALMIN Code.

Cameron Graves
Principal Geologist
Cameron is a geologist with over 30 years of experience spanning exploration, project review and assessment, mine operations and management, and consulting. His experience includes gold, copper, zinc, lead, silver, molybdenum, diamonds, and platinum group metals. Cameron is a Competent Person/Qualified Person for reporting of Exploration Results and Mineral Resources in selected commodities, as per a range of international reporting standards, and a Contributor to a team taking Competent Person/Qualified Person responsibility for reporting Ore Reserves in selected commodities. He is also a Specialist contributing to Technical Assessments and Valuations of selected mineral assets in accordance with the VALMIN Code.
Our associate network comprises more than 80 consultants located globally, each with more than 15 years’ industry experience, most with more than 25 years’ experience. Since 2017 we have had the pleasure of working with more than 40 associates.
Some of the trusted associates we have worked with include:
- Ausmec Geoscience
- B & S Mining Services
- Clarence Geospatial
- Colin Robinson – Consulting Geologist
- Coverdale Consulting
- DABAI Geoconsult
- EarthMinEX
- EngPac Global
- Finrank
- GeoEstima
- Geology Services
- H & S Consultants
- Handiko Geoconsultants
- Hunt Geoservices
- InSitu Advisory
- John Cameron – Consulting Geologist
- Lantana Exploration
- Manna Hill Geoconsulting
- Manzilake
- Mark Dugmore – Consulting Geologist
- Martlet Consultants
- Maximus Mining
- Max Tuesley – Mining and Geology Services
- MinEcotec
- Mine Planning & Design Services Limited
- Mineralis Consultants
- Mineralurgy
- Mining Insights
- Minprop Valuations
- NC Chem
- NedEx
- PT. Bintang Raya Inti Bumi
- PT Geo Artha Selaras
- Rama Geoscience
- ResEval
- Rock-Ex Enterprises
- RSC Global
- Simpson Geoservices
- Tom Hunter Associates
- Torridon Exploration
- White Geoscience
- 42 Mining